Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy January

Here are some of the latest from Zen and Zion.

Monday, January 14, 2008

6 weeks...

No, Zen is not suffering the "second child, no pictures" fate, it's just been hard to find time to download them and put them on the computer :-)

This little boy is tipping the scales at a whopping 11 lbs--he LOVES his food and doesn't miss a meal, which according to Zen time, should be once every 3 hours. All this food is serving him well, 'cause he is turning into one big muscle. His favorite activities these days are flipping from his tummy to his back, taking long, warm baths every night, and head-butting everyone who tries to hold him (he loves to show off his head control), and listening to his CDs. Also, we have been blessed with some beautiful Zeni-Zen smiles, especially Zion, who seems to be Zen's favorite person on whom to bestow those bright-eyed grins.

Here are some pictures--sorry about the wait!