Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, Zen and Zion!

We dragged the birthday celebrations out for at least a week this year, beginning with a fiesta for some of Zion's school friends with the theme "The Mission", a large-scale, scavenger hunt that took us around Evanston. The kids deciphered clues, performed tasks, and received gifts at all 9 stops, eventually ending up at a pizza place downtown. We had fantastic chaperone/helpers in the form of Ben Wickstrom (who was fantastic at keeping up with the quick-running 6th graders and keeping them away from traffic) and Rebecca Erikson, who helped me bring up the rear and who bonded quite nicely with the only girl Zion invited to the party (they're just friends). Rebecca also made an amazing cake--a 2 tiered delight with a "Halo" theme that awed all of us.
Zen kept reminding us "my birthday, too!" and he, of course, had a blast playing with all of Zion's big friends, who all wanted to push him in the stroller on our trek downtown. Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I would be a poor mommy if I didn't record some of the cute things Zen has come up with lately now that he is talking. Here are some samples:

Zen: "DAD! You come here RIGHT NOW!" Me: "Zen! You cannot talk to mommy and daddy like that!" Zen: "No, only Dad."

I think that one of the most accurate words to describe Zen is "fierce". He is very protective of all of us. If someone is picking on someone else, he will distract them, yell at them, command them to stop, or even pummel them. When Sam is picking on Zion, Zen will come into the room with a glare that could melt paint off the wall and command, "No! No hurt my brudder!"

Earlier today: "Zen, you need to help pick these legos up off the floor."
"Me tant."
"Why can't you help?
"toffin' (hack, hack)"

already using physical ailments to get out of work :-)

More Zen-isms: Teetumpin' (see something)
"ditamin" (get something)
"dootumpin" (do something)

"mutt" (milk)
"doot" (juice)

"bootchub" (book club...this one shocked us the first time we
heard it, as it sounds similar to a sexual act)

"Zen, what are you doing?" "Anyting!" (which is actually translated into, "nothing")

It is very fun to hear what he says, especially since he believes that repeating the same thing over and over again will get him what he wants eventually. How many times have I had to endure hearing "want doot! want doot!...." repeated 100 times in a row??? I love it!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Zion's Visit to Northwestern University

Zion's big brother, Ryan (from the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program) is a Ph.D student studying spinal cord regeneration at Northwestern. He invited Zion to their new, multi-million dollar biochemical engineering lab for a tour. Of course, scientist mommy wanted to tag along. Wow, what a fascinating place! Zion got to see and handle scientific tools and equipment. Ryan does surgeries on rats for some of his experiments, and it was amazing to see his tiny surgical kit and his sub-zero freezer full of tiny rat brains and spinal cords. We were able to see how cell samples were freeze dried, stained, sliced and stored and we got to look at them under a powerful electron microscope. The most interesting part of our tour was a visit to the animal lab, where we scrubbed and gowned up so that we wouldn't pass on any germs to the special, immune suppressed rats and mice. We also got to peek in at some of the other animals, including cats, chinchillas and monkeys. It was a little hard to see, but I kept reminding myself (and Zion) what these animals are sacrificing to make the world better for humans. (I will remember to say a little prayer of thanksgiving for the lab animals of the world, who are helping to keep us healthy) It was a very cool experience, and Zion asked some great questions. I was proud of him, my scientist boy. Ryan has been a great role model, and I am glad that Zion had the opportunity to see his important work.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Washington School Fall Festival 2010

Our family really took advantage of many of the fun (and sometimes free) events that Evanston offered for Halloween. On Friday night, I took Zen to the Fairy Tale Trail, a non-scary event for the preschool set. He was adorable in his costume and had fun playing in all of the different themed rooms on the "trail". Sam and I hitched up Zen and the dog on Saturday morning and hit our neighborhood farmer's market for a free pumpkin, books, crafts and a treat bag. We made a brief stop to get Zion from his play rehearsal and headed over to the Washington School Fall Festival, where the boys (Zen, Zion and Kyle) played games, did crafts, and won prizes. Zen had a successful pony ride this year (captured on film!)and Zion won a very food-color laden cake at the cake walk on his first try. We were wiped out after that, although we could have easily continued the fun with a trick or treat and fair offered by the local upscale senior center and topped it off with free ice skating in costume at the Evanston Ice Arena. Maybe next year we'll have more stamina???