Saturday, November 20, 2010


I would be a poor mommy if I didn't record some of the cute things Zen has come up with lately now that he is talking. Here are some samples:

Zen: "DAD! You come here RIGHT NOW!" Me: "Zen! You cannot talk to mommy and daddy like that!" Zen: "No, only Dad."

I think that one of the most accurate words to describe Zen is "fierce". He is very protective of all of us. If someone is picking on someone else, he will distract them, yell at them, command them to stop, or even pummel them. When Sam is picking on Zion, Zen will come into the room with a glare that could melt paint off the wall and command, "No! No hurt my brudder!"

Earlier today: "Zen, you need to help pick these legos up off the floor."
"Me tant."
"Why can't you help?
"toffin' (hack, hack)"

already using physical ailments to get out of work :-)

More Zen-isms: Teetumpin' (see something)
"ditamin" (get something)
"dootumpin" (do something)

"mutt" (milk)
"doot" (juice)

"bootchub" (book club...this one shocked us the first time we
heard it, as it sounds similar to a sexual act)

"Zen, what are you doing?" "Anyting!" (which is actually translated into, "nothing")

It is very fun to hear what he says, especially since he believes that repeating the same thing over and over again will get him what he wants eventually. How many times have I had to endure hearing "want doot! want doot!...." repeated 100 times in a row??? I love it!

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