Friday, April 30, 2010

Sheep's Head

So it's no secret that I have a higher tolerance than most for the least when it comes to dead things, handling poop, large insects, reptiles, etc. I have been shopping at a local "international market" lately in order to cut down on food costs. It's a decent little grocery store, good produce, and some very strange things for sale. Every time I'm in the meat section, I have to stand and stare in horrified fascination at the array of animal parts that they sell for human consumption--chicken feet, ox tails, pig snouts, etc. But this specimen is by far the most outrageous that I've come across. Why, might you ask, did I come home from the grocery store with a whole head of a sheep on a meat tray? I don't even know. Zion was at camp, so I thought I would welcome him home with a practical joke. I said that we were welcoming him home with his favorite meal--that he was going to be so excited! When I brought this thing out, the joke backfired, as he began retching and gagging, eyes watering, begging me to take it away. The head now lives in our freezer, waiting for another unsuspecting victim. Why? Why? I don't know. Probably for the same reason I stop and pick up interesting road kill. I just want to take it back to my lair and study it. People eat some really crazy shit. Can anyone tell me which culture has sheep's head on its menu????

Monday, April 26, 2010

Video: Zen Painting

Anyone need a volunteer painter?

Handy Zeni

Zen helped Daddy with some household projects this week. Our kid is an enthusiastic painter!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Zion and his Snake are Friends Again

And The Hawks Keep Winning...

It has been an exciting week at our house as the Hawks keep winning--Sam has decided that the games are even better when he invites other true fans over to watch. Our place has been a very festive place on game days. Whistles and shouts rock the house, and everyone is wearing red, black and white. Zen has taken to sleeping in his jersey. Hope this winning streak lasts and lasts!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I hope I don't jinx the Hawks as I am putting this up on the blog before the game is actually over. They are winning 2-0 as I post this. Sam wanted to make sure we all had our Hawks gear on. This week is supposed to be "turn off the TV week" at Zion's school. He was supposed to turn in a contract signed by his parents and him stating that no one would watch TV this week. Sam said, "AS IF!!!! It's the hockey playoffs!" So that was the end of that. Guess we're not quite the granola Evanston family yet :-)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pictures of Reptile Fest

Zion at his display: Reptile Fest 2010

Zion and I became members of the North Shore Reptile Club earlier this year. We had been going to the Chicago Herpetological Society's Reptile Fest almost every year since Zion was 2 years old. He was always super-fascinated with the hundreds of animals he got to see, pet and hold. When the president of our club emailed us and asked if we would help fill in some empty tables at the big expo, Zion was so excited! It was a long day; about a thousand people came through. We spent the majority of the time on the floor, letting little kids interact with our animals. If Zion doesn't make it in the movie business, I think he's found another calling. He was great at teaching people about his pets. (And you all know that I have secretly wished I were Steve, the crocodile hunter).

Zen is rockin' the 3D glasses

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Zen Decorating Eggs

I was impressed that Sam took the initiative for this project while I was at a job interview. They did very well! Sam did learn that it would be best next time to have Zen wear a shirt he didn't care about--or none at all. Enjoy!

The Easter Bunny Brought Some Pretty Wierd Stuff This Year

Yes, the Easter Bunny brought the newly potty-trained Zen some Diego underwear in a giant Easter egg. Zen was so excited that he insisted on putting it on, right then and there, on top of his pajama bottoms. I wonder if this picture will be one of those that he won't want his high school girlfriends to see...

Easter Egg Hunt

This was the first Easter in years that it was actually nice enough to go outside for pictures.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Zion's Spring Break

Zion tried out a few hairstyles before settling a bet with Sam which required him to get a mohawk.