Monday, April 12, 2010

Zion at his display: Reptile Fest 2010

Zion and I became members of the North Shore Reptile Club earlier this year. We had been going to the Chicago Herpetological Society's Reptile Fest almost every year since Zion was 2 years old. He was always super-fascinated with the hundreds of animals he got to see, pet and hold. When the president of our club emailed us and asked if we would help fill in some empty tables at the big expo, Zion was so excited! It was a long day; about a thousand people came through. We spent the majority of the time on the floor, letting little kids interact with our animals. If Zion doesn't make it in the movie business, I think he's found another calling. He was great at teaching people about his pets. (And you all know that I have secretly wished I were Steve, the crocodile hunter).

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