Sunday, April 18, 2010


I hope I don't jinx the Hawks as I am putting this up on the blog before the game is actually over. They are winning 2-0 as I post this. Sam wanted to make sure we all had our Hawks gear on. This week is supposed to be "turn off the TV week" at Zion's school. He was supposed to turn in a contract signed by his parents and him stating that no one would watch TV this week. Sam said, "AS IF!!!! It's the hockey playoffs!" So that was the end of that. Guess we're not quite the granola Evanston family yet :-)


Rebecca Johnson said...

Hillarious. Maybe next week can be turn off the television week!

Mama Blogger said...

Well, at least you're not all watching Dancing With the Stars or something. (No offense if you do watch that!) Y'all look great with the Hawks gear and cool new haircuts!
