Friday, December 25, 2009

December: Uncle Michael's Package

Uncle Michael sent an impressive birthday package all the way from Oregon. The boys were very excited! What a good uncle!

Huzar Holiday Party, 12-14

We invited our Sojourner family for a night of merry-making, tamales, chili and conversation. We weren't sure how we might get 30 or more people into our house comfortably, but it all worked out, as it always does. Here are some pictures!

Grandma at Zion's Play

Pulling Out the Christmas Stuff

We did some clowning around with the Santa hats, etc. Jedi even got into the act. Now if only Zen didn't run away everytime he suspects we're trying to get a shot of him, we'd have a more balanced family chronicle!!

Zen and the Brownies

Tired of waiting for the singing of happy birthday, Zen got a chair and slid over to take matters into his own hands while everyone else was distracted.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Zion= Drama.

Yes,our Zion is often dramatic, so he finally decided to channel all that drama into some activities this fall. He played the Duke of Earl in the Evanston Children's Theatre Production, "Twinderella", a comedy about Cinderella's long lost brother, in November. He was also cast as the prophet Isaiah during a church service recently. Here are some clips.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Welcome, Annabeth and Percy Jackson!

Our new little family members were welcomed home at the end of a scavenger hunt. Here were the clues:

1. Across the street where you like to play, look under the tallest structure and be on your way (clue was at the top of the slide)

2. Ulai and Olu live very near; the second clue is located here (at the neighbor's house)

3. the best place in the 'hood to make your hair look good (the barber shop)

4. this new joint has the name of "Bop", it's right next to the barber shop. you can get Korean food with rice, or even a hamburger, very nice! (the Korean-American restaurant down the block)

5. The corner store's got stuff to buy: milk and pop and pumpkin pie. The guy in front has your next clue; he's also got some candy for you! (the convenience store)

6. You've been all over the neighborhood--now come on back to where you first stood. (back to the house)

7. The scariest place in the house is where Zion's gift lurks--go down if you dare, but don't get hurt. (basement)

8. We're your new pets from the middle east. we're very peaceful little beasts. (on the gecko tank, next to the washer and dryer).
Zion was absolutely ecstatic! I wish I had gotten some footage of his reaction, but the whole process of discovery was very frenzied as 8 5th graders tore through the house! Annabeth and Percy Jackson are leopard geckos, named after the characters in a series of books that Zion just finished.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pow Wow

We have these wonderful neighbors, Gilo and Mia Kwesi Logan, who are always doing really cool things with their two kids, Ulai and Olu. Zion has been lucky enough to join them several times since we've moved onto the block. They took the kids to a Native American Pow Wow in Chicago a few weeks ago. Zion had a blast--he came back with all kinds of news and stories. Here's a picture.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Zion's 11th Birthday Party

So I decided that Zion hadn't had a birthday party for a few years, and I wanted to help him connect with some kids from his new school. I wanted to keep it cheap and simple (unlike some of the galas we've had in the past, with 50 people, ponies, reptiles, etc). I finally decided that we'd just have a simple celebration here at the house for a few friends, with pizza and video games. Surely a small group of 5th grade boys could entertain themselves, right? Zion was enthusiastic about the idea. His list grew and grew, so I helped him pare it down to a few kids from class, a kid from his new play, and some neighborhood friends--about 9 kids in all. I also thought it would be nice to invite the parents to stay and hang out, so Sam and I made a huge batch of his special chili and stocked the fridge with good beer. We planned to order pizza for the kids, and I made the "cake" myself. The morning of the party, Sam surveyed the back room of the house where the kids were going to be hanging out and commented, "that's kind of a small space for a bunch of 5th grade boys to be for 4 hours. Did you plan any games or activities for them?" Hmmmm...I started to get nervous at this point. I HADN'T planned any activities--aren't 5th graders too cool for activities? I didn't really know--I've never taught 5th grade, so my experience was limited. And this 6:00-10:00 thing...that WAS a rather long time. I guess I was drawing from past parties, where families came when they could, and left when their kids got tired. Maybe I was thinking that 4 hours was a hell of a lot shorter than a slumber party, which is a big event for the pre-teen crowd. I got a burst of inspiration from Sam's anniversary present to me a few years ago, where he led me on a scavenger hunt around the house before presenting me with a series of small gifts and a Wii fit game system. "I'll make a scavenger hunt for them around the neighborhood, and it will lead to Zion's present!" I was very pleased with my Aha! moment. I set to work on a series of verses that would lead the kids to clues around the area and finally back to our house. (see latest post) Zion had a blast at his party, as did the rest of the rambunctious crowd. Live and learn--4 hours WAS a long time; thank God for the scavenger hunt, the beautiful weather, the park across the street, and the two moms who stayed to help (Thanks, Faye and Mia!) The partygoers finally filed out of the house at 10:00 as stated on the invitation, trailing a wake of cupcake crumbs and pizza crusts. Thankfully, our house is still in one piece and no one had to go to the hospital. Glad we had one last party for Zion--but that's it! I retire!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

More Halloween

Halloween 2009

Our trip to Iowa to visit Vince and Tracy didn't happen--we were disappointed, but we did have a good time taking Zen, Zion and Ben trick or treating in Schaumburg. We hooked up with aunt susie, Kim and Madison along the way. The little ones held up quite well. We ended up doing almost all of Denise and Joel's neighborhood before heading back to their house for some family bonding. Zen wore the only Halloween costume of Zion's that I ever kept. He loved being Winnie the Pooh!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fun Leaves Video

Zion did more entertaining than raking. He was jealous because I got to use the leaf blower :-)


I love the trees of Evanston--mature trees are everywhere, spreading leafy canopies down tree-lined streets. Evanston's trees are rich with nuts and seeds and pods of all kinds for us to play with--Kentucky coffee pods, cottonwoods that provide spiky balls for us to roll down the slides at the park, buckeyes for us to stomp open and expose the rich, smooth seeds inside...We finally created time to actually rake the leaves that were covering our yard for weeks. It was a family project. Here are some pictures.


Only 3 weeks from his 2nd birthday, Zen's favorite (and most intelligible) word is
"no-no-no!" He adores running and jumping, playing with balls and marbles, visits to the park, and hanging out 4 days a week with friends Nathan and Beatrice. Zen's schedule is packed with activities--weekly speech therapy, gym class, music class, regular play group, speech therapy playgroup, Sunday school...He's actually the busiest member of the family!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Zen, Madison, Grandma and Papa

A classic game, enjoyed by many generations.

Celebrating Family Birthdays

Grandma Betty and Kelsey shared a birthday party recently in Schaumburg. Zen and Zion had fun playing with cousins--here are some pics and a video.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Not Like His Mommy...

Here is Zen on his first pony ride a few weeks ago, during which he screamed like he was being boiled in oil. I did manage to pry him off of me and snap one picture, but he continued his howling and attempts to climb up my arm and onto my shoulder (anywhere but in the saddle!) until I took him off the animal, thus ending his trauma.

During a trip to the Evanston Ecology Center recently, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to let almost all of the animals out of their cages to handle and play with them. It would have been a fine educational experience for Zen and his friend Bea, but for one problem--Zen was NOT impressed by mommy's animal handling skills. He was dismayed when the turtle stretched its snake-like head out towards him. The Madagascar hissing cockroaches made him scuttle into a corner, and forget about touching the gecko or the bearded dragon! He almost warmed up to the hermit crab until asked if he would like to hold it. His response was a violent shake of his head and a quick retreat!

Horrified by horses, terrified of turtles, scared of snakes, and aghast at arachnids...that's our Zen, who I am pretty sure will NOT follow in Zion's footsteps as a budding naturalist!

Snake Bite

Here is Zion's first official scar as a budding herpetologist. He learned a valuable lesson about getting between a snake and its food--and about not petting his snake when it's getting ready to eat!

Mom emerged as the hero after donning leather gloves and prying the 3 and a half foot python's jaws off Zion's hand, where it was trying to digest the meat between his thumb and pointer finger.

Zion recovered quickly and had a cool scar to show off at school, although I got an interesting phonecall from the school nurse the next day. Waiting for a call from DCFS any day now...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Zen's Haircut

This is old news, but I'm still posting the pictures. Zen finally got his curls cut off due to the fact that he was developing little rats' nests every time he lay down and had a lack of tolerance for having them combed out. We were a little haircut shy after his ugly haircut at Great Clips right before Christmas last year, so we decided it was worth the splurge to take him to Kid Snips. There, he was treated like a little prince, as they sat him down in a mini taxi cab and trimmed and styled his little locks. We resisted the temptation to buy any of the many cute toys that surrounded us while we were there. Zen came out looking more like a big boy and less like a baby (sniff, sniff). Here's a picture:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lincolnwood School: Zion's First Day

Zion's New School

Here he is on his first day...a little nervous, understandably. His school is gorgeous! He's taking the bus for the first time in his life (boy, has that made MY life easier!). Mrs. Purnell is his teacher--a lover of books and science, hopefully they will be kindred spirits. He's only got one year here at Lincolnwood before he goes to the junior high down the street. Hope it will be a good one!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Zen's Visit to the ER

What kind of terrible parents take pictures in the ER???? Ones that are tired, relieved that their child looks much better than he did an hour before when he arrived, and desperate for entertainment.

Zen developed a fever of 104.1 last week, in the middle of the night, of course. We thought he also had a febrile seizure, so he was taken to the hospital and subjected to various indignaties, including IV fluids, blood draws, and chest Xrays. Luckily, it was just a virus and he was much improved after fluids and ibuprofin. Here he is in his sad little state.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Captions for Photos Below

Photos by Zion except for #1):

At dog beach, artsy portraits of self and mom, with Dustin, favorite staff members at Point, neighborhood love interest, friends from the 'hood, best friend, Ben.

Zion's Creative Side

The phone Zion got for his birthday last year has been an important creative tool as well as a safety device. Not only does it enable him to go all over Evanston on his bike, visit friends, and stay home alone occasionally during tedious errands, he has also been using it to take and edit photos, play music, and make videos. Here are some of his latest efforts.