Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Zion's 11th Birthday Party

So I decided that Zion hadn't had a birthday party for a few years, and I wanted to help him connect with some kids from his new school. I wanted to keep it cheap and simple (unlike some of the galas we've had in the past, with 50 people, ponies, reptiles, etc). I finally decided that we'd just have a simple celebration here at the house for a few friends, with pizza and video games. Surely a small group of 5th grade boys could entertain themselves, right? Zion was enthusiastic about the idea. His list grew and grew, so I helped him pare it down to a few kids from class, a kid from his new play, and some neighborhood friends--about 9 kids in all. I also thought it would be nice to invite the parents to stay and hang out, so Sam and I made a huge batch of his special chili and stocked the fridge with good beer. We planned to order pizza for the kids, and I made the "cake" myself. The morning of the party, Sam surveyed the back room of the house where the kids were going to be hanging out and commented, "that's kind of a small space for a bunch of 5th grade boys to be for 4 hours. Did you plan any games or activities for them?" Hmmmm...I started to get nervous at this point. I HADN'T planned any activities--aren't 5th graders too cool for activities? I didn't really know--I've never taught 5th grade, so my experience was limited. And this 6:00-10:00 thing...that WAS a rather long time. I guess I was drawing from past parties, where families came when they could, and left when their kids got tired. Maybe I was thinking that 4 hours was a hell of a lot shorter than a slumber party, which is a big event for the pre-teen crowd. I got a burst of inspiration from Sam's anniversary present to me a few years ago, where he led me on a scavenger hunt around the house before presenting me with a series of small gifts and a Wii fit game system. "I'll make a scavenger hunt for them around the neighborhood, and it will lead to Zion's present!" I was very pleased with my Aha! moment. I set to work on a series of verses that would lead the kids to clues around the area and finally back to our house. (see latest post) Zion had a blast at his party, as did the rest of the rambunctious crowd. Live and learn--4 hours WAS a long time; thank God for the scavenger hunt, the beautiful weather, the park across the street, and the two moms who stayed to help (Thanks, Faye and Mia!) The partygoers finally filed out of the house at 10:00 as stated on the invitation, trailing a wake of cupcake crumbs and pizza crusts. Thankfully, our house is still in one piece and no one had to go to the hospital. Glad we had one last party for Zion--but that's it! I retire!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh...my...goodness! 4 hours is an INCREDIBLY long time. however did you survive? way to go mom! (and dad!)

happy birthday zion!