Saturday, November 3, 2007


Zion got tired of explaining the elaborate nature of his costume, so he told everyone who asked that he was a "shape-shifter." Sam went as "a losing football season". Jedi was a hit with her devil costume (a hand-me-down from Payton). My pumpkin was covered due to the cold, but we got a few pics so that Zen could hear about his first trick-or-treat. Enjoy the pictures! :-)

1 comment:

Rebecca Johnson said...

What a scary jack-o-lantern! (The one made out of pumpkin. The other one's beautiful!) I love that Zion made up his own costume and it's pretty funny that he got tired of answering questions. Shape shifter is clever! I hope Jake enjoys dressing up in costume for as long as Zion did! We love y'all so much!