Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Week of October 27-November 2:

It was a hard week. I started getting sick with a cold the night we moved our stuff from Schaumburg. The fact that it was cold and raining and that I got so little sleep for a few days in a row probably didn't help. I worked on Saturday and then took the dog down to the beach--by the time I came back home, I was pretty miserable. Zen started getting sick on Saturday night. He woke up a few times and had a fever. By Sunday morning he was vomiting, and by Sunday night he was vomiting AND having explosive diarrhea. Sam was exhausted, I was exhausted...I woke up every few hours on Sunday night to change Zen's diaper, pajamas, and sheets as well as put him in the tub. We all went to the doctor on Monday. Zen was diagnosed with rotovirus--I changed his outfit 13 times on Monday and gave him 11 baths. There was a mountain of laundry quickly piling up, and I wasn't feeling any better. Sam was putting in some long hours at work to make up for his absence on Friday. Then, on Tuesday night, Zion got sick with vomiting and a high fever. I was at my wit's end--there were boxes everywhere. Our kitchen wasn't unpacked enough to be functional. The dog needed her 3 walks a day. I felt horrible. Zen and Zion were miserable. I didn't feel like I could call anyone, as we were obviously an incubus of virus. Kristin Devine came over to take Jedi to dog beach on Wednesday night, and just having that little relief was huge. We were all feeling a little bit better by Thursday night, and well enough to go trick or treating by Friday (pictures coming). It was probably the most demanding week I've ever had as a parent, and I'm really glad it's over.

1 comment:

niki said...

I'm so sorry, what a horrible week! Rotovirus is terrible, we got to experience that last year! It is the worst when mom is sick at the same time, too. Hang in there! Sounds like the worst is over!