Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Car Seat

I had to get a picture of this because it was so amazing. Usually when Zen gets anywhere near his car seat, he is anything BUT Zen-like...he arches his back, locks his knees and screams. I have perfected a wrestling move that consists of using my left forearm, both hands, and a significant part of my bodyweight to strap him in. If I have remembered to bring the pretzel stick that I usually placate him with, he calms down within seconds, only pausing to give up a few more howls of indignation just to let me know how much I have inconvenienced him. If, however, I have forgotten the pretzel, he sometimes continues to screech until I have made it all the way out of the parking garage from our 8th floor spot. I usually do this at least twice a day, and it is for sure the absolutely most exhausting part of my day. Add the warm-up stress of wrestling him into his snowsuit, hat and gloves, and you have one very tired mommy. But, here he car seat, smiling.

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