Saturday, June 27, 2009

Zion's Summer So Far...

I can't believe that June has gone by so fast. It was nice to have Mom and Michael come for a visit, even if we didn't get moved. Uncle Michael is a really, really good uncle. He and Zion got to bond, spending one day together at Great America (Zion proclaimed that the trip to Great America was "the second best day of the whole summer!" when Michael asked him what the best day was, Zion replied, "I don't hasn't happened yet!"). They also went to see the movie "UP" as well as playing countless video and card games.

We've managed to get in some beach days now that the weather is warmer. Zen's still not crazy about the water, but Zion goes in to the frigid lake and doesn't get out until we leave. Zion has been a great help around the house, doing chores such as walking the dog, taking out all the garbage and recycling, picking up after Zen, unloading and putting away groceries, and entertaining his brother while I shower, email, etc. He has also enjoyed going to Sojourner's community house to hang out on Fridays. In the evenings, we've been taking family walks with the dog. Zion will bring his scooter and zip around downtown Evanston, and everything is right with the world.

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