Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Great Snowstorm of 2011

And great it was...Mom and I got into O'Hare the night before it hit, and hit it did! Thunder, lightning, hail, 60 MPH winds, and 2 feet of snow in 24 hours. Our house shook like it was going to blow down, and I did NOT like the look of the tree out front (the one that would have landed on our bedrooms had it chosen to fall!). Luckily, although the lights were flickering, we were all warm and toasty here together. Mom had the foresite to buy $300 worth of random groceries, so despite the fact that we couldn't dig our cars out of the garage for 4 whole days, we ate well and needed nothing. School and work were cancelled for everyone for several days. We spent our time watching bad TV, playing with playdough, trying to stay warm, napping, and using our new GLEE karaoke Wii game. Sam practiced his guitar (he's getting better and better...he can now play Kum Ba Ya!) and contemplated how he was going to move the 4 foot snowdrift which had accumulated right behind our garage. (lots of help from a kind neighbor, Grandma, and Zion). The snow is still here, and more snow has fallen. We park our cars on the street, now :-)

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