Monday, March 2, 2009

Weekend Retreat

I took Zion and Ben up to Covenant Harbor for Winter Fest. The camp had us going from early morning to late, late night. I was really proud of the boys for trying lots of things they hadn't before. There was no snow (it had melted the day before in a freak warm spell), but there was 13 inches of ice on Lake Geneva that provided its own fun. Saturday was stuffed with activities: ice hikes, broom ball, a version of the iditarod dogsled race (which our team won), mountain boarding, observing ice fishermen and helping them drill holes in the ice, air hockey, pool, a bounce castle, and much, much more. The biggest challenge was experiencing the giant swing (pictured here in the video--the name doesn't give it justice) in which campers were harnessed in and allowed to free fall, almost bungee style, until the rope caught them and catapulted them back and forth 30 feet off the ground. WOW! We had a great weekend, but all were exhausted on the way home. I wondered how I did full summers of camp counselor duty for 3 years in a row?????

1 comment:

Kristin Devine Mueller said...

I'm so glad you all got to go to the Harbor for this weekend!

It looks like you had a really fun time. I can't wait to hear the stories from Zion and Ben!